If you are thinking about installing artificial grass on your property, there is a good chance that you have already considered all that needs to be considered. You have probably realized that there are very many positive reasons why you should buy cheap artificial grass and replace your current natural lawn with synthetic turf.
Now all that remains is finding the right kind of artificial grass at the right price. Truth be told, the initial investment that goes into installing artificial turf is what puts most people off. However, if you could find it on the cheap, there is a good chance that you wouldn’t hesitate to install it on your property as soon as yesterday.
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Is Artificial Grass Worth it?

Absolutely! Artificial grass is well worth the cost and effort it takes to have it installed. Some of the main reasons why a great number of homeowners are hurriedly switching over to this option are because they realize just how many benefits that move brings.
Here are some reasons why you might want to join the bandwagon:
- Artificial grass remains evergreen: This is one of the biggest problems that almost every homeowner has when it comes to maintaining a lawn – it’s almost never as green as they want it to be nor for as long as they want it to be. Thanks to weather changes, natural grass wither, turn brown, and even die off, leaving you with nothing but a patch of dust on your lawn. Artificial turf doesn’t care about the weather. It will remain green throughout the seasons.
- Synthetic lawns don’t need much care nor maintenance: You no longer have to hire a gardener to water your lawn, weed it or even tend to it in any way. With artificial grass, all you have to do is sweep and wash it now and again to make sure that it doesn’t accumulate any debris or pet droppings.
- Artificial lawns are not poisonous: When it comes to caring for natural grass, pesticides and fertilizer are often called for from time to time. These compounds, although beneficial to the grass, tend to be poisonous to the soils, the people, and even the pets that play on that lawn. Synthetic grass doesn’t need any of this and is made out of material that is absolutely safe and non-poisonous to your family members.
- Artificial grass saves you money: This is probably the biggest reason why most homeowners choose to go this route – artificial grass saves you money. Yes, the initial investment might seem a bit “out there,” depending on what kind of turf you buy and whether you follow any of the tips on how to get cheap artificial grass that will be shared later on in this piece. Other than that initial investment, there really isn’t much need for money to maintain this kind of turf. It doesn’t call for constant gardening, so you won’t need to hire someone; it doesn’t call for constant watering, so you will save money on your water bill, and it doesn’t need fertilizer or pesticides, which, besides being poisonous, can be quite costly.
So, yes! By any possible account, artificial grass is well worth the cost.
How Much Does Artificial Grass Cost?
The cost of artificial grass depends on the kind of turf you go for, but there is a general ballpark that you can use. Typically, artificial turf is measured and sold in terms of square feet. The price range falls between $5 – $20 per square foot. Now it’s all about how much surface area you want to cover using the synthetic turf.
There are also other costs to consider, including:
- Labor or contractor fees
- Cost of materials
- Cost of needed tools if you are going the DIY way
All in all, installing artificial turf on a 300-square-foot yard could cost about $1,500 – $6,000, not including the cost of installation. That is a pretty penny by most standards.
Tips on How to Find and Install Cheap Artificial Grass

If you’re looking for affordable artificial grass, then there are a number of tactics you can employ to help you in your search.
It’s not only about finding the best deals on artificial grass, but just making some common sense decisions on how you go about the process from shopping to installation.
How to find the best deals on Artificial Grass
Here are some tips on how to find cheap artificial grass:
Buy Your Turf from a Wholesale Supplier
The same principle that governs your day to day wholesale purchases governs the synthetic turf industry as well. When you buy from a wholesaler, the prices are slightly lower than buying from a retailer. Retailers need to make their margins, and since they probably buy from the same wholesalers that you would be buying from, their prices are going to be a little higher.
Consider Buying Remnant Pieces
Now, this only works in one scenario – when you are thinking of using the artificial turf for smaller projects. If you are thinking of using it on your 500-square-foot lawn, then you might want to purchase entire rolls of turf for uniformity.
However, when you are thinking of just using a small piece for a small section of the patio, to decorate your driveway or for adding turf to your pool area, then you don’t need to buy an entire roll just to go and cut it up into pieces. You can just buy the pieces, and it will be cheaper too.
Simply speak to your wholesaler and ask if they have remnants or leftover pieces from previous purchases that they can sell you. There is a very good chance that they do, and these pieces will often sell for very low prices.
Buy it Online
You have an entire world of options when you go shopping online. Not only will you find many different types of artificial grass, but you will find many different colors from many suppliers who have all sorts of offers. All you have to do is compare the prices and choose the best ones.
It’s easy to find cheap artificial grass as long as you know where to look. These tips will help you find the best options available and save you some money on the purchases. The important thing to remember is the long term benefit of artificial grass. It’s not just about the money you save now on the purchase but also about how much you will save in water bills over the years to come.
Installing Artificial Grass Yourself
Once you’ve found some affordable artificial grass, to really take advantage of the bargain you’re going to want to install it yourself.
Avoid Tradesmen
You really can save a lot of money by avoiding expensive tradesmen and simply install the artificial grass yourself. As we touched on above, professional installation for even a mid sized yard can cost up to $6,000 in labor alone.
Add in some off shaped corners or hilly terrain that increases the job’s difficulty and you could potentially be looking at thousands of dollars more. For many in the current economy, this just isn’t realistic.
By simply taking the initiative and installing it yourself, you can take full advantage of the deal you just got on artificial grass.
Mistakes to Watch out for
While taking the job of installing artificial grass yourself will undoubtedly save you money, there are a number of pitfalls you can fall into.
Here are the three most common pitfalls that you’re going to want to avoid:
- An insufficiently prepared base: First of all, you’re going to want to ensure that you’ve prepared the base layer. Consider uneven ground and drainage when that first inevitable rainfall comes.
- Poorly measured cuts: For best results, you’re going to want to have everything measured out to a tee. All edges and off shaped cuts must fit perfectly or you’re going to regret trying to save money on installation over the long run.
- Inadequate infill: Infill is the final layer placed on top of your artificial grass at the end. If you skip this step, you will quickly discover your grass quickly appears worn and dull.