Getting a pet is a lot of responsibility. For some, it symbolizes their maturity, as it is taking care of another living and breathing being.
Dogs are one of the most common house pets in the United States and are a lot of fun; however, they can be a little messy at times. A common concern people have when thinking about getting a dog is whether the dog poop or pee is going to ruin their grass or garden. Today we are going to cover this as well as some other handy tips for your dog!
So, let’s get started! What are the effects of dog poop and pee on real grass vs synthetic grass?
Potty Training Your Dogs

The first thing you must know when you get a pet is how to potty train them. You would not want your home to smell bad, do you? The smell of dog poop tends to stick and last, which may take a lot of your energy and time to eliminate. So, minimize these chances and save your time.
Potty training your dogs is the first step for you to go through to have a long, peaceful, and happy life with your pet and the new commitment; remember that house soiling is one of the main reasons why dogs tend to lose their homes or even end up in a shelter.
Before you get your new pet, designate a spot for him where he can go potty; and as soon as you get to take him home, let him get used to that spot. One of the most advisable spots for your dogs is in the yard, where he can dig up the soil and grass.
However, some dog owners are worried about how the dog urine can ruin their lawn. This may be a good reason to consider artificial turf for the backyard or at least a pee pad.

What is the Effect of Dog Poop and Pee on Your Grass?
It had been believed for the longest time that dog poop is a natural fertilizer for your plants and that it is a natural spot for your pets to do their things – on your lawn.
Far from what is believed, pet poop and pee on your lawn may actually not be a good thing at all. It is also important that you consider the different effects of having dog poop on your lawn.
- If your dog is used to poop and pee on the same spot, in quite some time, you will notice that the spot is visible and can easily be identified as it causes a discoloration than that of the natural grass. Your dog’s pee produces nitrogen that can be a bit too much for the grass to handle, especially on a regular basis.
- As for your dog’s poop, it releases nitrogen slowly, but leaving it for a long time sitting on your lawn can lead to a negative effect on your grass, and this may cause your lawn to have a lot of dead spots.
- It had been discovered that there are about 23 million fecal coliform bacteria that can be found in a single gram of dog poop. These bacteria are known to have had cause cramps, diarrhea, some intestinal problems, and sometimes even lead to kidney-related disorders in humans.
Yes, it takes commitment to take care of a pet, but it is also a whole lot of responsibility. You are responsible for a community, for your home, yourself, and of course, your dog, which is why you should know the different risks you are putting yourself through when you do not handle responsibly where your dog poops and pees.
Here are ways to reverse the effects caused to your lawn:
- You can set a time for you to take your dog out for a walk, wherein they can find another spot to poop and pee on which is not yours or anyone’s lawn
- At an early stage, train your dogs to NOT do the deed on your lawn at all; or if you could not stop them from going to your yard or lawn, just monitor the times they go there and possibly water immediately the spots they urinate and poop on to dilute the nitrogen that it produces.

Pooping and Peeing on Artificial or Synthetic Grass
Okay, so we have a foundation already of the effects and risks of letting your dogs do their business on your lawn and just letting it be. Now, pet product companies have addressed this problem by providing different alternatives on where you can potty train your pets.
Aside from using a disposable diaper for the little dogs, one of the most useful and effective alternative methods is the synthetic grass set. Using artificial grass is something you might want to consider when you potty train your dog, and here are the reasons why:
- They are green and soft, which resembles just that of real lawn grass; this way, you do not have to constantly monitor whether or not your pets are in the yard.
- You do not have to water it, because well it is artificial. The only time to clean it up is when there are poops and pees.
- This will help lessen your worries that your dog will dig up the soil when looking for a comfortable spot to do their deed.

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Although, along with it comes quite the disadvantages as well which you may want to consider:
- Since it is made out of plastic, it is very sensitive to the environment. So, during the summer or hot weather days, this spot can be too warm for your dogs to be comfortable with.
- There is no actual longevity advice yet on how long the artificial grass will last after frequent urination of your pet.
- This does not really eliminate the health issues associated with dog poops ad urination on natural grass but makes it easier to deal with.
Cleaning Artificial Turf
It may sound crazy, but you can actually vacuum artificial grass for dogs. However, there are definitely other ways you can go about cleaning it first that won’t make the neighbors do a double-take. You can rake and sweep artificial turf. While this may be a bit more work, there is less of a chance that you will damage the turf as it is being cleaned.
Additionally, you can use your garden hose to remove dust, debris, and waste quickly and easily. This is the method many dog owners choose to use. You can also purchase a turf deodorizer that can be used to help minimize odor and other foul smells. This is especially useful if you choose to have synthetic grass set up as an indoor potty for your dog.
With artificial turf, bacteria buildup is very uncommon. You can break down any spores with a mixture of vinegar and water, and you can easily clean up any other messes with soap and water. You do not have to use any chemicals, it is easy to clean, and there are many turf products you can purchase including a strong odor eliminator.
When you choose to switch to artificial grass for dogs as a pet owner, you are probably wondering if your pet is just going to destroy it as they would a real lawn. This is when the quality of the artificial lawn you choose comes into play. A high-quality turf is durable and is manufactured to last.
When dogs run and play, they tend to carve running paths in the grass. This constant traffic can also cause areas of your real lawn to wear down, and puddles can form when it rains, and these areas can also begin to die if they aren’t reseeded on a regular basis.
To avoid these problems, pet owners are choosing artificial grass. Now you know that dog urine and feces can quickly discolor and kill a real lawn, and this is especially true when the waste is left there to accumulate. With artificial turf, you are looking at a much easier cleanup process and an easier way to maintain odor control and prevent contamination.
You also can’t stain artificial grass, so you don’t have to worry about dog urine and stool ruining your investment. So, if you find that you can’t immediately drag out the hose and clean up your dog’s waste right away, you can rest assured knowing that leaving it there a bit longer isn’t going to do your artificial turf any damage as it would to real grass.
Having a pet is a huge decision to make, which is why, before anything else, you should consider the big picture. Make sure that you can take on the responsibility to actively ensure your community’s health and that you can handle your dog and his business well enough to avoid spreading bacteria.
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