Artificial grass has almost always been exclusive to huge sports arenas where only the largest corporations could afford to get it installed. Today, however, thanks to improvements in the technology used to make the artificial turf as well as competition in the industry, you are just as likely to find artificial grass on your neighbor’s lawn or backyard as you are to find it at your neighborhood high school football field.
It’s true to say that artificial grass installations have increased for a few good reasons. One of the most common and popular reasons is that artificial doesn’t need any watering. That makes it perfect for people who live in areas that experience extensive dry seasons and water shortages.
Then there is the fact that you no longer have to pay close attention to how long your grass grows. This comes with the added advantage of not getting sternly worded warning letters about how to maintain your lawn from the HOA in your community.
But as you probably know, nothing is perfect. So, what are the artificial grass pros and cons of which you should be aware before going out and getting it installed?
Artificial Grass Pros and Cons
To get a good idea about why this kind of grass has been receiving such positive reviews of late, you have to look at the advantages and benefits involved. Here are some of the most common and straightforward artificial grass pros:
Artificial Grass Pros:

It almost always looks good
This is probably one of the main reasons why people go for artificial grass – it almost always looks good. Think about it: grass that is always green all year round, always just the perfect height – no mowing necessary, and it doesn’t get any weeds growing in between the grass. You no longer have to mow your lawn to keep it tidy.
No fertilizers or pesticides necessary
The natural grass on traditional lawns occasionally needs fertilizers and pesticides to keep it looking lush and free of pests. Unfortunately, these things are often expensive and rather poisonous to both your kids as well as pets. Artificial turf doesn’t need all this, and therefore you don’t need to worry about your loved ones getting poisoned with dangerous chemicals just to keep your lawn green.
It’s very durable
Your artificial turf will only start getting patches and holes if you use it inappropriately or after a few years of service. These artificial lawns are designed to be durable and evenly spread out. This means that there are no uneven patches of grass that make playing on them an extreme sport. It’s almost always a lush green flat surface for your kids to enjoy their games.
It comes with a low maintenance cost
Yes, installing the artificial grass might cost you some money, to begin with, but that is about all you are going to have to pay. There are very few maintenance costs associated with having artificial turf installed.
Your grass will not need fertilizers, weed eaters, pesticides, or even a handyman to make sure that it stays green and within the recommended height. All it might need is occasional refilling to get rid of the patches, a few repairs here and there, and some vacuuming.
These are considerably less expensive costs since they are only necessary on rare occasions as opposed to natural grass lawns that might need weekly, if not daily, maintenance.
Artificial grass doesn’t need watering
Some of the biggest concerns with natural grass lawns are that they need constant watering to keep them lush and healthy. This leads to increased water bills and less water conservation. A huge advantage of artificial lawns is that they don’t need all this, so you get to save money, water, energy, and time. Other than the initial expense that comes with having it installed, your artificial lawn will practically be maintenance-free.
Your kids can play on it all year round

Natural grass lawns get soaked, snowed in, and patched to dangerous levels. Artificial grass doesn’t suffer from all these negative conditions and can be played on all year round. The artificial turf dries up quite quickly after it rains, and although you might have to do a bit of shoveling when it snows, the grass is almost always good to go.
They work well under above-ground pools and trampolines
Natural grass is going to die when it’s cut off from sunlight as trampolines and above-ground pools tend to do. This often leaves an unsightly patch that you will definitely have issues with. Artificial grass, on the other hand, doesn’t need sunlight to remain green and lush.
Artificial Grass Cons:

Clearly, there are many advantages to getting an artificial lawn installed. However, there are some disadvantages, as well. Here are some artificial grass cons that you might want to consider:
It can get very hot under the sun
Artificial grass tends to get rather hot under the summer sun. It isn’t uncommon to find the surface of the grass at a whopping 37 degrees hotter than the temperature around it.
It might contain some chemicals
There have been concerns that some of the cheap brands out there might be made our harmful material with dangerous chemicals. You are therefore advised to only buy artificial grass from a reputable company that guarantees the safety of their grass.
Can be a breeding ground for bacteria
The thing about artificial grass is that it doesn’t let anything seep or wash away into the ground beneath so easily. This means that any blood stains, skin, or other biological material left on it in the course of playing will remain on the turf until you thoroughly wash it off. This creates an environment that is rife for bacterial growth, which can be harmful to your loved ones.
Although it needs very minimal care, artificial grass does need care. With the right practices and maintenance, this could very well be one of the best investments you make for your home.